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Drap-Art is pleased to announce the show RE-ART commissioned by Casa SEAT

In a world increasingly aware of the need for environmental sustainability, a new art movement has emerged that is harnessing the power of recycled and repurposed materials. This summer, art enthusiasts in Barcelona will have the chance to experience this innovative approach to art at the RE-ART: Exposición de Arte Sostenible (RE-ART: Sustainable Art Exhibition) at CASA SEAT.

Opening on July 10th and running through September 7th, the RE-ART exhibition will showcase the work of 15 pioneering sustainable artists who have made the recovery, reuse, and recycling of materials the ethical and aesthetic foundation of their practice. From renowned figures like HA Schult and Modest Cuixart to emerging talents such as 3-DKE, Àlex Cardona, and Nourathar Studio, the exhibition presents a diverse array of artistic perspectives united by a shared commitment to raising awareness about environmental and social issues.

“RE-ART is not just an exhibition, but an experience that invites visitors to reconsider the value of discarded materials and the impact of our daily actions,” explained the organizers. By transforming everyday waste into thought-provoking works of art, these sustainable artists challenge us to rethink our relationship with the objects that surround us and the consequences of our consumption patterns.

Visitors to the CASA SEAT space will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the creative process, discovering how these artists have harnessed techniques like recovery, reuse, and recycling to craft their unique visions. From large-scale installations to intricate sculptures, the exhibition promises to inspire and engage, offering a glimpse into a future where art and sustainability go hand-in-hand.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative journey. Admission to the RE-ART exhibition is free during CASA SEAT’s regular opening hours. Discover how the power of art can help reshape our collective consciousness and build a more sustainable world.