Nothing disappears,
everything transforms
About us
We are an association of artists, cultural managers and creative people from different disciplines who created Drap-Art with the aim of making the ecologic desasters provoked by our current consumer society visible through art, and proposing alternative, more sustainable lifestyles. Drap-Art was born in 1995, in Barcelona, as a platform for artists who recover the concept of the objet trouvé and reflect it on their environment and its concerns.
Drap-Art has been present in more than 16 countries and in its 24 years of activity the project was extended to the Americas, with an annual event in Barcelona, Montevideo, Pittsburgh, and since 2017 also in Buenos Aires, spreading the work of more than 780 artists and conducting awareness-raising activities for all audiences.
Drap-Art has become a network of the emerging sector of Catalonian artists, designers, artisans and other creative professionals who work with trash and encourages the exchange with artists from other parts of Spain, Europe and the rest of the world.
From these premises, it works on the one hand as a springboard for young artists to the professional world of art, creates job opportunities and encourages the exchange with experienced artists, and on the other hand it acts as an awareness raising campaign that echoes and disseminates the reflections of its artists on environmental and social issues, inviting the public to consume more responsibly, change habits and respect the slogan of the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle).
The philosophy of Drap-Art is spreading to other fields of social and cultural action as a premise to survive in the current times of economic, social and environmental crisis, promoting art as a tool for experimentation and transformation. The habits of using and dumping have to be redirected towards the awareness that nothing disappears, everything is transformed.
The mission of Drap-Art has always been to offer a platform for artists who work with concepts like sustainability, reuse and more efficient use of resources, through festivals and exhibitions, workshops, events and spaces for debate, to educate and entertain on the topics of environmental and social issues, through creativity and art.
Moreover, generate a positive impact on the younger generations, sustainable artists and people interested in taking action to raise awareness on environmental problems and social issues.
To awaken collective consciousness through art and creativity, offer a point of reference in the fight for the environment and social inclusion.
Publicize positive solutions in favor of a more socially, environmentally and economically sustainable world. Contribute to changing the habits of buying and dumping to habits of caring, being responsible for your consumption and your waste, and of reducing, reusing and recycling.
- To promote the emerging sector of artists who work with discarded materials, using creative recycling as a tool to support the transformation in art, the environment and society.
- To lead a network for the recognition of artists and entrepreneurs that take into account the concept of the 3Rs: to reduce, reuse and recycle.
- To incorporate the fundamental themes of sustainable development, such as climate change, sustainable consumption, reuse and prevention of waste, into education, teaching and learning, through artistic experimentation.
- To conceive participatory methods through art, oriented towards differentiated publics giving them autonomy, in order to change their behavior and facilitate the adoption of measures in favor of sustainable development.
- To provide a market for the works of artists who reuse discarded materials and encourage a new green and circular creative cultural industry.