Clousure… but we are still online!
Dear Drapers,
This Festival is nearly over. The time has come to say goodbye! But before remember that we still have a few surprises for you.
- You still have until 12h midnight of 4/01 to vote for your favorite artist to be the winner for the Upcycling Contest we are co organizing with l’ Associació of Plaza Real. – HERE
- The winners will be announced tomorrow 5/01 at 13h in Tobogán Restaurant at plaza Real. You can assist the award and Julia Theek’s conference about upcycling. Also on streaming on all our social media. – Book here
- Today 4/01 (from 11am until 8pm) and tomorrow 5/01 (from 11am until 2pm and from 3pmh until 6pm) our shop in carrer Groc 1 will be open for you… before the Kings come!
- Find all our artists and their works in our online shop!
- Lastopportunity to visit our exhibitions in Borsí (plaza Verónica 2 with Avinyó 23) and Sala Perill.tomorrow Tuesday from 4 to 8pm. The other exhibitions are also open today.
- The 5th the market in Plaza Real will not take place.
Remember… Drap-Art’20 doesn’t disappear but transforms! Keep your eyes open for all the things we have prepared for this new year 2021!