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Drap Art · Festival · Upcycling · Art Sostenible

Germán de Souza

Germán de Souza was born in Buenos Aires and moved to Barcelona in the early 2000s. In his home country, he was the director of the street theater and circus magazine Newton Las Pelotas! and a promoter of circus, theater, dance, and music events, a project that brought him to Spain. In Barcelona, he created his multimedia design and development studio, Coreographix.

He is also responsible for projects such as the record label Folcore Records, Club du Monde Radi, Etnotròpic, and The Nü World Music. As a DJ and producer (aka Cherman), he has performed in several cities across Europe and Latin America.

He has actively collaborated with the alternative music blog Cassette Blog from Mexico. He is also a collaborator in the Remescla la teva Ciutat project. He works as Head of Production and Web Developer at Drap Art.