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Drap Art · Festival · Upcycling · Art Sostenible
Lai Diez Roig

Lai Diez Roig

Photographer / Artist /Artisan

I was born in 1981, in a bohemian and cosmopolitan ecovillage in the south of Spain, in a family of artisan musicians.
Thanks to my environment and vocation, I have maintained a close relationship with art in general from an early age (Crafts, Drawing, Crafts, Martial Arts, Theatre, Hip hop). I study Arts Baccalaureate, Design and Artistic Photography.

Seduced and inspired by the beauty, the creative magic of nature, and the communicative conceptual richness of literature and its stylistic resources, my art could be defined in a few words as visual poetry. For aesthetics and thematic universality it is created to be enjoyed by all audiences. Authentic and original work. Real image, without digital retouching.

Printed on recycled art paper. All rights reserved