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Drap-Art’20 Festival

Drap-Art’20 Festival

Drap-Art’20 International Festival of Sustainable Art of Catalonia has already opened its doors, with a positive feedback from the public and a great number of visitors. This year, more than ever, it’s a different festival. For the first time in its 24-year history, the festival is spread over different locations, all in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona. We’ve already made a few gallery tours!.

The main exhibition with the artists from the open the call, Drap-Art’s special guests and artists from N2 Gallery, is located in the emblematic building of the Borsí, the old Llotja School of Arts and Crafts on calle Avinyó, about to be recovered as the headquarters of the neighborhood municipal library and a community-managed Sociocultural Center, thanks to the neighborhood platform El Borsí per al Barri. It is a very good opportunity to see it as it is, before the rehabilitation works begin.

On December 12, Karla Kracht’s performance was held in the auditorium of the Reial Cercle Artístic, commissioned by Fousion Gallery Barcelona. It was Immediately sold out – an impressive show in a really special location! For many people it was streamed and can still be seen on our Youtube channel:

The pieces of her performance will be exhibited as an artistic installation in the Chapel of the Royal Artistic Circle, part of the Fousion Gallery Drap-Art show and installations until January 5.

Fousion Gallery Barcelona proposes this year a fine selection of art and performance out of the surrealistic worlds from a sustainable context in collaboration of this years edition of the Drap-Art Festival 2020. The exhibition features great urban artists such as Miss Van, Alberto de Blobs, Mono Cieza, Gabriel Raventós, Mateus Bailon, Julia Benz, ElDimitry and Juliah Humpfer. Don’t miss the opportunity to discover and acquire some really original Xmas presents there!
The Event is running from the 11 th to the 20 th of December displayed on the ground floor of the Real Círculo Artístico curated by Jasmin Waschl an, produced by Fousion Gallery Barcelona . It remains open from 10-14h and 15-21h every day until December 20.
The exhibition at Villa del Arte Galleries, the Borsí and the already mentioned installation by Karla Kracht will remain open to the public until January 5.
Here is the link with the location and opening hours of the exhibition spaces and the schedule of activities:

Activities of the week:

Del 21 de novembre al 21 de desembre de 2024, se celebra a Barcelona Drap-Art, el Festival Internacional d’Art Sostenible

Del 21 de novembre al 21 de desembre de 2024, se celebra a Barcelona Drap-Art, el Festival Internacional d’Art Sostenible

28 d’octubre de 2024
El certamen, en la seva 28a edició, proposa una ruta d’exposicions i un circuit cultural per diferents galeries, edificis emblemàtics, carrers i places del barri Gòtic. Intervencions, mostres i activitats de les quals es podrà gaudir de forma totalment gratuïta i que reivindiquen la sostenibilitat a través de l’art, recuperant objectes oblidats o en desús […]
Artista del Mes – Steven Forster

Artista del Mes – Steven Forster

1 d’octubre de 2024
Steven Forster, artista del mes d’octubre, t’espera a la nostra propera inauguració! És un artista polifacètic i multi-disciplinari: escultor, pintor, music, compositor, performer i interiorista no convencional, responsable de tot el interiorisme de la Bodega Saltó (, entre altres, i un dels membres fundadors de Drap-Art. L’art del reciclatge és una constant en la seva […]
Artista del Mes – Mario Molins

Artista del Mes – Mario Molins

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Mario Molins, artista del mes de setembre, t’espera a la nostra propera inauguració! Molins és llicenciat en Belles arts per la Universitat de Barcelona amb estudis de doctorat. És un artista multidisciplinari, d’esperit inquiet i gran vinculació amb la naturalesa. De trajectòria expositiva àmplia, amb diversos esments i premis, entre els quals cal destacar el […]