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Drap-Art ’21

Drap-Art ’21

25 years of Drap-Art
XXV International Festival of Sustainable Art of Catalonia

The International Festival of Sustainable Art of Catalonia celebrated its 25th edition with a very special program within the field of sustainable art, with pioneers of contemporary art and outstanding figures of urban art, as well as a large selection of emerging artists and projects.

Artistic action by Nathalie Rey within the framework of the project From the Individual to the Collective

Artistic action by Nathalie Rey within the framework of the project From the Individual to the Collective

The Drap-Art’21 was held from November 18 to December 21, 2021 in several exhibition halls in emblematic buildings with a cultural circuit in the Gothic Quarter, making it a meeting point between artists, art lovers, the inhabitants of the Gothic Quarter and new audiences, collaborating in the sustainable and intercultural urban transformation of the center of Barcelona.

Drap-Art aims to raise awareness and educate audiences and promote sustainability through art, as well as promote artists and their creations within the field of contemporary and urban art, architecture, design and crafts. In times of crisis such as the one we are currently experiencing, it is more important than ever to realize that culture and art are an intrinsic part of our being, and that in times of uncertainty they are very good tools for reflection, creative analysis of our situation and to find new paths.

Drap-Art has grown and been enriched thanks to the participation of Fousion Gallery, the Reial Cercle Artístic, Villa del Artd Galleries, Artesania de Catalunya and Sala Perill, as well as the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona. It is encouraging to see the large number of artists, collectives and organisations that Drap-Art brings together in a new global artistic movement.


The 25th anniversary of Drap-Art Festival was celebrated with exceptional exhibitions curated by critics, theorists and curators specialized in the fields of urban and contemporary art, exposing pioneers of environmental art such as Michelangelo Pistoletto with his project Third Paradise, promoted by the Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation and HA Schult with a historical work Biokinetic Landscape (1973), which was also used for the image of the Festival this year.

Guests Artists


Two world leaders in environmental art for the 25th anniversary of the Drap-Art Festival

Pistoletto, a great exponent of Arte Povera, with the Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation, joined the Drap-Art in this edition. The Rebirth Day, held worldwide on December 21, is an event that the artist organizes in different places within the framework of his project Third Paradise. Its projection is a socially sustainable future, where the human being coexists in harmony with its environment.

The ego must converge beyond the contrast between technology and nature to begin a new society based on responsibility and situated in the balance between the artificial and the natural, using art and technology to claim the need to stop abuse towards our planet.

Drap-Art joined the ambassador of the Third Paradise in Barcelona, the curator and artist Savina Tarsitano, co-founder of Espronceda Institute for Art & Culture, with the celebration of several events co-curated with Saverio Teruzzi, coordinator of the ambassadors of the Third Paradise around the world.

The festival was also attended by HA Schult (1939, Parchim, Germany). Collaborator of the festival since its inception; he brought to Barcelona his most emblematic work in 2007, when his army of the Trash People invaded the Plaza Real to warn of climate change and raise awareness about the importance of recycling and environmental conservation.

In this edition, HA Schult brought and signed a limited edition of one of his most emblematic works, Kinetik Landscape, 1973, mixed technique, from the Picture Box series, which incorporates bottles, suitcases, tennis rackets and cars, all of them toys, and in addition to small garbage such as cardboard and candy wrappings, demonstrating the fragile ecological balance. This work was also used for the Drap-Art’21 image.

Michelangelo Pistoletto drawing the symbol of the Third Paradise
“Art is freedom, commitment and responsibility”

Michelangelo Pistoletto

Artistes seleccionats

Diseny i Artesania

Elias Abraham
Queralt Antú Serrano Porredon
Paul Curtis
Alicia Giráldez
Miguel Ángel González
Viola Hoffmann
Alvise Rizzo & Matilde Cini
Margarita Torrente
Virginia Rondeel
Mario Cesar Rivas Ferretti
Hernan Seco Llamas
Tau Pibernat & Vera Castelijns
Hatice Rana Tarhangil Karadayi
Galina aka Bella
Sandra Velzi
Amadeo Flix Miguel

Collage, Assemblatge i Tècnica Mixta

Rafael Arroyo Villemur
Felip Gaig
Mercè Grifé
Fanni Kopacsi
Marie Lalo- Haute Couture
Antonela M. Lauri
Alice Marx
Núria Pérez
Jordi Prat Pons
Ilaria Sansotta
Jordi López-Alert
Gisella López Ariza
Paulo Correa


Alejandra Bourda
Mariona Esteba
Noni Font
Marte Kiessling
Didier Maes
Ignat C. de Michaelis
Mario Molins
Jordi Palli
Núria Pérez

Performance, Concerts, Taller i Live art

Laura Bernis
Didier Maes
David, Different Design
Marta Llopart Estrems
Acc Crew
José Luis Rodríguez Espinosaa
Remedios Labella Ruiz

Instal·lació i Gran Fromat

Jordi Prat Pons
Francisco Pradilla Barrero
Lai Díez Roig (fotografia)
Lucía Rojas Maldonado (audiovisuals)

in Memorian


Una exposició que ens recorda l’obra més pictòrica de Rafael Bartolozzi, Bigas Luna, Lesley Yendell i Richard Hambleton aka Shadowman


Ben relacionats entre ells i amb la història de l’art i ara històrics, Bigas Luna, Rafael Bartolozzi i Francesco Volsi van trobar al Baix Gaià el locus amoenus que hi van descobrir els romans. Els tres artistes practicaven –i en Volsi, encara practica– l’estratègia Glocal, des del global, seguint els moviments artístics internacionals (Arte Povera, Pop Art) al local. L’arrelament al territori és cabdal en els tres artistes, així com l’aprofitament de l’object trouvée, valors que enllacen perfectament amb la filosofia del Drap-Art. L’edició del festival del 2021 va comptar amb obres dels tres genis, reconeguts i internacionals


The curated exhibitions were held in the facilities of the Royal Artistic Circle with artists selected by the co-curators Joan Abelló, Tanja Grass, Robert Kaltenh·user, Jasmin Waschl and Betty Bigas and in the facilities of Villa del Arte Galleries (Calle de la Palla) with artists curated by Bert van Zetten.

Joan Abelló

Historian, curator and independent art critic. European Doctor in Humanities (UPF), Director of the Royal Artistic Circle of Barcelona and Director of the Catalonia Africa Institute.

Tanja Grass

Graduate in German, English and Hispanic Philology, translator and certified interpreter. Founder and director of Drap-Art, she has contributed to extending the global movement of sustainable art created with reused materials. Cultural manager and exhibition curator.

Betty Bigas

Betty Bigas is a multidisciplinary artist and curator of Catalan art, founder of Roll Up Gallery of Public Works San Francisco, has organized art exhibitions and events in institutions such as Nightlife LIVE at the California Academy of Sciences. She is currently curator of the online gallery Daylighted and art consultant in Kreoz for Apple TV.

Jasmin Waschl

Founder and director of Fousion Gallery, specializing in pop and contemporary surrealism and urban art as abstract graffiti. Jasmin Waschl has training and experience in architecture and interior design, furniture and communication. Independent artistic curator and consultant and Drap-Art.

Robert Kaltenhäuser

Exhibition curator and independent critic of unauthorized art. Expert in urban art and contemporary urban art. Organizer of exhibitions and events such as Critical Mess – Inbetween graffiti and contemporary art in Essen or Beyond Streetart in .Düsseldorf. It has multiple publications on contemporary art and urban art.

Bert van Zetten

Director and founding partner, together with Marcel and Jutta Huisman, of Villa del Arte Galleries, an initiative that has three galleries in Barcelona and one in Amsterdam.

Savina Tarsitano

Savina Tarsitano is a visual artist, curator, artistic director and co-founder of Espronceda – Institute of Art & Culture, ambassador of the Third Paradise. He has curated several international projects around the world over the last ten years.

Saverio Teruzzi

Coordinator of the ambassadors of the Third Paradise of Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, around the world.

Exhibition spaces

C. of the Arcs 5
Curated exhibition

C. de la Palla 10
Gallery Exhibition

Plaça de la Verònica 2
with c. Avignon 23
Art Exhibition of
the call and guests

C. Banys Nous, 11
Design and crafts exhibition of the call and guests

C. Avignon 46
Drap-Art Islands with artists from the Balearic Islands

Drap-Art ’21
Drap-Art ’21




With the intention of promoting the most emerging art, Drap-Art signed a collaboration agreement with the University of Barcelona in 2016, to include in its festival a special call for students of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona. This year they will perform performances, artistic actions and co-creation under the motto of Public vs. Private, Reflections on space, in the Plaza del Rey during the festival, wanting to show how this relationship has changed during the pandemic.

The aim of this collaboration is to facilitate the entry into the world of art to the new generations of Catalan artists. The project, tutored by Eulàlia Grau, Toni Asensio, Joan Miquel Porquer, Jasmina Llobet and Anaïs Civit, includes invited presentations on art and sustainability within the framework of the Research Conference on Service Learning (ApS) and community pedagogy in art.


Drap-Art begins a very special collaboration with Tramuntana Magazine, a high quality, free cultural dissemination publication with international distribution of Montana Colors.

This brand specialized in spray paint (also with water-dissoluble ecological sprays), has been supporting urban art and graffiti since 1994 from Barcelona to the rest of the world. Among the many actions it offers support, there are several sustainable urban art projects.

Drap-Art compta amb el suport de

Government of Catalonia
Waste Agency of Catalonia
Barcelona City Council

Royal Artistic Circle of Barcelona
Fousion Gallery
N2 Gallery
Villa del Arte Galleries
Crafts of Catalonia
Danger Room
University of Barcelona

Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation
Third Paraízo
Espronceda Center for Art & Culture
Casa Degli Italiani
Association of Friends and Merchants of the Plaça Reial

Montana Colors
Tramontana Magazine
Balearia Foundation
Vaciamos & Donamos
Ramon Llull Institute
Goethe Institute
Cultural Forum of Austria
Guiding Architects



With the support of

With the support of

Partners, collaborators, and media

Partners, collaborators, and media