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Drap-Art · Festival · Upcycling · Art Sostenible

Drap-Art ’22

Drap-Art ’22

XXVI International Festival of Sustainable Art of Catalonia

Drap-Art’22 Al Gòtic was once again held in emblematic spaces of the Gothic Quarter such as Borsí and Villa del Arte Galleries, Plaça Reial, Plaça del Rei and Plaça de la Mercè, Carrer Carabassa, Carrer de la Palla and Carrer d’en Groc, from November 17 to December 21, 2022. Faced with the increasingly urgent need to bring about a change towards a more environmentally, economically and socially sustainable world, Drap-Art once again opted for art as a tool for social transformation, inviting contemporary and urban artists, designers, artisans, multifaceted and indefinable creators, artists17 November 2022

Opening in El Borsí, Plaça de la Verònica 2

Opening Parliaments, El Borsí

Opening performance by Sayen Cuadrado Llahí, from El Borsí to Villa del Arte Galleries, Carrer de la Palla 10

20:30 to 22:00
Vernissage in Villa del Arte Galleries, amateurs and creatives of all kinds, to say theirs, presenting their projects to our call.

In the 2022 edition of Drap-Art we had the pleasure of being able to present a selection of significant works by the renowned Catalan artist Modest Cuixart in the In Memoriam section, to have 10 artists invited to the curated exhibition, 19 artists, both emerging as well as consolidated and amateur, in the exhibition of artists selected by the open call, 8 artists in the Drap-Art Illes exhibition and the artist of the most Orson Buch in the Drap-Art Space, in addition to the almost 100 young artists of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UB, the 20 creators of the Drap-Art Market and the performers, workshop facilitators, musicians, and indefinable creators who made interventions and actions both in the public space (Drap-Art Outdoors) and in indoor spaces (Drap-Art Indoors).

Guests Artists

Eirik Audunson Skaar (1964)
Oslo, Noruega
Rani Bruchstein (1973)
Tel Aviv, Israel

Ulrike Koeb (1959)
Vorarlberg, Austría

Edgar Massegú (1985)
Sarrià de Ter, Espanya

Xavier Pons Inbernon (1977)
Girona, Espanya

Miguel Escobar (1962)
Barcelona, Espanya

Artistes seleccionats

Tècnica mixta

  • Enric Servera
  • Ilaria Sansotta
  • Jana Alvarez
  • Jordi Prat Pons
  • Ladislas Chachignot

Disseny & artesania

  • Alacalle
  • Amadeu Flix
  • Valentina Greene Meersohn
  • Victor Mondragón
  • Virginia Rondeel


  • Alfredo Blasco Nuin
  • Hatice Rana Tarhangil Karadayi
  • Guy Moberly
  • Jordi Palli

Audiovisual, instal·lacions & grans formats

  • Karin Heinrich
  • Bahareh Shahin
  • Indira Urrutia Zúñiga
  • Jordi Prat Pons
  • Lisa Rubin

Espais públics, tallers & arts en viu

  • Alexandre Rigol i Cia La Cresta
  • Alacalle

Actuacions & concerts

  • Magali «La Maga» Ugolini
  • Carlos Vásquez
  • Valentina Alvarado
  • Guillermo Carrión
  • Paula Bruna
  • Llapispanc

Exhibition spaces


17 November 2022

Opening in El Borsí, Plaça de la Verònica 2

Opening Parliaments, El Borsí

Opening performance by Sayen Cuadrado Llahí, from El Borsí to Villa del Arte Galleries, Carrer de la Palla 10

20:30 to 22:00
Vernissage in Villa del Arte Galleries

Concerts i accions

19 November 2022, Opening concerts

Concert of Flairdrum by Daniel Bornmann and Soleika (flute), Plaza del Rey

Concert La Maga, Plaça del Rei

21:30 to 22:00
Plasticphonia audiovisual performance by Crystn Hunt Akron, Plaça del Rei

10 December 2022

11:00 to 15:00
Orchestronia. Sound installation in public space by Cia La Cresta, Plaça Reial

20:00 to 21:00
Plants and plastics configuration file. Sound performance action by Carlos V,squez, Valentina Alvarado, Guillermo Carrió, Paula Bruna and Llapispanc, El Borsí

21 December 2022

12:30 to 14:00
Closing action with clothing exchange and celebration of the Rebirth Day promoted by Citadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, Espronceda Center for Art & Culture, Plaça de la Mercè

19:00 to 20:00
Round table to present the new law of plastics and talk about the importance of art in activism, with Rosa García, the Director of Rezero and the artists’ duet Alacalle, Gustavo Germain Ariello and Maria Molsosa Fabrés, El Borsí


19 November 2022, Opening concerts

Concert of Flairdrum by Daniel Bornmann and Soleika (flute), Plaza del Rey

Concert La Maga, Plaça del Rei

21:30 to 22:00
Plasticphonia audiovisual performance by Crystn Hunt Akron, Plaça del Rei

10 December 2022

11:00 to 15:00
Orchestronia. Sound installation in public space by Cia La Cresta, Plaça Reial

20:00 to 21:00
Plants and plastics configuration file. Sound performance action by Carlos V,squez, Valentina Alvarado, Guillermo Carrió, Paula Bruna and Llapispanc, El Borsí

21 December 2022

From 17 November to 21 December 2022
From Tuesday to Sunday, 11:00 to 20:00

Curated exhibition
Exhibition of the call
Exhibition Drap-Art Illes
El Borsí, Plaça de la Verònica 2

Selection of Art and Design
Artisan shop window Catalonia
c. Banys Nous 11

In Memoriam. Tribute to Modest Cuixart
Exhibition of artists curated by Bert van Zetten
Villa del Arte Galleries, c. de la Palla 10

Information Centre
Permanent exhibition of associated artists
Artist of the month
Espai Drap-Art, c. d’en Groc 1

Conferències i visites guiades

19 November 2022, 11:00
Participatory guided tour led by the artist Saraelena Carbrera, El Borsí
It will be repeated on Saturdays 26/11, 3/12, 10/12, 17/12

21 November 2022, 19:00
Guided tour, Villa del Arte Galleries, Carrer de la Palla 10

23 November 2022, 19:00
Meeting with the artist Miquel Aparici, Villa del Arte Galleries, Carrer de la Palla 10

24th November 2022, 19:00
Raquel Medina Cuixart conference and the expression of the object, Villa del Arte Galleries, Carrer de la Palla 10

25 November 2022, 19:00
Meeting with the artist Eirik Audunson Skaar, Villa del Arte Galleries, Carrer de la Palla 10

8 December 2022, 19:00
The participating artists are presented, El Borsí

15 December 2022, 19:00
The new law of plastics – The importance of art in activism with representatives of Rezero and the dúo of artists Alacalle (Gustavo Germain Ariello and Maria Molsosa Fabrés), El Borsí

Tallers en El Borsí

20 November 2022
12:00 to 14:00
Climate Walk

20 November 2022
16:00 to 20:00
Instrument building workshop Flairdrum, Price: 35′

27 November 2022
12:00 to 14:00
Color Rain Workshop, coordinated by Alacalle

4th December 2022
12:00 to 14:00
Bookbinding workshop by Romina Manzoni

11th December 2022
12:00 to 14:00
Drap-Art Workshop

18 December 2022
12:00 to 14:00
Drap-Art Workshop

Intervencions en l’espai públic

17 November to 21 December 2022

Eirik Audunson Skaar
The Chain of Tears of Mermaid, Window
c. de la Palla 19

Jordi Prat Pons
The Gaze and I have a Dream, Las Ramblas de les Flors

Hombrelópez and Anita Burdon
Macroplastics, c. Carabassa and c. d’en Groc

Drap-Art UB, Intervencions

12 December 2022
09:00 to 12:00

Interventions with students of Transformations in the Landscape: Memory and Public Space, Plaça del Rei
Coordinate: Mercè Compte, Julio César Ortega

13th and 14th December 2022
10:00 to 14:00, 16:00 to 19:00

With the pose on top, Improvisation, Plaza del Rey
Coordinate: Jasmina Llobet, Andrea Martínez, Anaïs Civit

Drap-Art UB, Tallers

14 December 2022

11:00 to 14:00

Art and fabric: Recover and reuse and recycle, El Borsí

18:00 to 20:00

Painting workshop with natural, ecological and sustainable dyes, El Borsí

Screen printing a look at the Natural Tints, El Borsí

Drap-Art ’22

Drap-Art compta amb el suport de

Generalitat de Catalunya
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Acción Cultural Española

Semana Europea de la prevención de rediduos
Barcelona +Sostenible
Mercats de Barcelona
Universitat de Barcelona

Associació d’Amics i Comerciants de la Plaça Reial
Reial Cercle Artistic
Cittadellarte – Fundación Pistoletto
Tercer Paraízo
Espronceda Center for Art & Culture
Artesania Catalunya
Centre Excursionista de Catalunya

Base Elements Gallery
Bien Cuadrado
Paam Project
Port Gallery
Villa del Arte Galleries
Taller de Ideas
Vermut Puigmartí
Ocean Drive Barcelona
Fundació Balearia