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Drap Art · Festival · Upcycling · Art Sostenible

Juan Gonzalez

Through his work, he brings a critical and committed perspective to the relationship between the individual and their environment.

His photographs and videos establish a dialectical relationship between the private and the public, the personal and the political, the individual and the social; exploring the boundaries between these different realms and shedding light on the mechanisms that operate in our societies.

This is a reflection on the blurred traces of the constructed landscape, analyzing various social processes.

The landscape, intervened by architecture, hides revealing traces of the transformations that have occurred.

Thus, the landscape acts as an archive, as a palimpsest, as a memory to be updated in the present.

Just like the landscapes, the individuals who inscribe themselves in it also speak to us, also communicate with us; simply through their way of being-in-the-world and presenting themselves before it.

Therefore, following the principle of documentary photography by Walker Evans, the photographer must “accompany the model in their act of representation.”

Through his images, the individual reveals traits about themselves, their origins, and their present situation; about their history as a biography.