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Drap Art News!

Drap Art News!

Estimats i estimades artistes

Caram, quina increïble convocatòria d’art, enguany! Ens ha impressionat l’originalitat i la qualitat dels projectes que heu presentat. Estem impacients per a mostrar-vos la selecció que ha fet el jurat, sabem que quedareu impressionats.

En aquest moment, el nostre jurat encara està deliberant sobre la selecció d’obres que està sent molt difícil. Pròximament donarem a conèixer els resultats. Per al 09/09 ja us notificarem.

Moltes gràcies per creure en la filosofia del Drap Art i per continuar creant i vivint des de la creativitat, és el que fa del món un lloc millor.

Retrobament amb Drap Art post vacances

Ens alegra molt que hagis tornat de les teves vacances!

T’hem trobat a faltar i esperem que ho hagis passat genial.

Com hauràs notat, encara tenim Lámparas González en la nostra Galeria disponibles per a la venda. Et convidem a passar-te i donar un cop d’ull a les obres, plenes de personalitat i opcions úniques per a la teva llar. Aquí hi ha algunes fotos com un primer cop d’ull, esperem que t’inspirin a visitar-nos en persona per a gaudir de cada detall d’aquestes peces tan especials.

Visita’ns abans que s’esgotin!

We have selected the creatives for the new season of the Drap-Art ’25 Market
21 de February de 2025
We are very pleased to have received so many proposals for this call. It has been a difficult task to make a selection among so much talent and diversity, but after much reflection, we have finally arrived at a choice that reflects the spirit and creativity we want to share with all of you. We […]
Participate in the Drap-Art Market 2025 in the Plaza Reial! – Open call
7 de February de 2025
Dear community Drap Art, We are excited to announce the opening of the call for the Drap-Art’25 Market in Plaça Reial, a space that celebrates sustainable creativity and offers a unique opportunity to exhibit and sell original works made with recycled materials. Basis of the call: Being a member of Drap Art: Participation in the […]
Job Offer
10 de January de 2025
Drap-Art wants to incorporate into its organization a young person who has a passion for art, environmental conservation, social justice, education and sustainability, with a profile as project coordinator or director, communicative and active mainly in the areas of production, management and administration. Knowledge of social networks, mailing management and general project communication is appreciated. […]