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Torna el Mercat Drap-Art de la Plaça Reial

Torna el Mercat Drap-Art de la Plaça Reial

Torna el Mercat Drap-Art de la Plaça Reial
abril 1, 2021

Al cap d’un any molt estrany amb molts imprevistos, reprenem la nostra activitat la plaça Reial. Començarem el dissabte de Pasqua, 3 d’abril amb 6 expositors: AC Colecciones Recicladas, BichoRobot, Experiencia Menta, Forquillart, La Bartolina Ceràmica, Producciones Pikulinas, i Zebraba.

Degut a les precaucions preses per la COVID-19, el mercat comptarà amb menys parades i els expositors aniran fent torns. I en lloc dels habituals tallers programarem petites animacions a l’hora del vermut.

Veniu a veure les nostres noves creacions, a apreciar l’actitud positiva dels nostres artistes enfront de les circumstàncies actuals, a prendre un vermut o a dinar i a visitar la captivadora plaça Real!

I si heu de fer un regal o voleu fer-vos un auto-regal, no dubteu a comprar-ho aquí, que estareu fent costat a gent que aposta per un món més humà i més sostenible, malgrat implicar tenir una economia fràgil, ara més que mai. No oblidem que tenim el poder de triar a qui secundem amb les nostres compres….

Visiteu també la nostra botiga online!

Organitzat per: i

Participate in the Drap-Art Market 2025 in the Plaza Reial! – Open call

Participate in the Drap-Art Market 2025 in the Plaza Reial! – Open call

7 de February de 2025
Dear community Drap Art, We are excited to announce the opening of the call for the Drap-Art’25 Market in Plaça Reial, a space that celebrates sustainable creativity and offers a unique opportunity to exhibit and sell original works made with recycled materials. Basis of the call: Being a member of Drap Art: Participation in the […]
Job Offer

Job Offer

10 de January de 2025
Drap-Art wants to incorporate into its organization a young person who has a passion for art, environmental conservation, social justice, education and sustainability, with a profile as project coordinator or director, communicative and active mainly in the areas of production, management and administration. Knowledge of social networks, mailing management and general project communication is appreciated. […]
Thank you for joining us during this year 2024

Thank you for joining us during this year 2024

30 de December de 2024
We want to thank you for being part of Drap-Art‘24 Thank you for joining us during this year 2024 2024 is coming to an end and we are closing a fabulous year full of activities at Drap-Art. We are very proud to announce that our president, Tanja Grass, has been selected as a new ambassador […]