Sorteig setmanal al Mercat Drap-Art
Cada setmana al Mercat Drap-Art de la Plaça Reial se sortea una peça de disseny o artesania handmade i upcycled, dels artistes participants. El primer premi que es sorteigar va ser un moneder de Producciones Pikulinas. El guanyador és el número 21 i podrà passar pel mercat a retirar el seu premi a la parada dels artistes que van cedir la peça, en aquest cas Toty i Sebas de Producciones Pikulinas.
La setmana passada es va sortear un anell de Forquillart i el guanyador va ser el nr. 141. Ara pots guanyar una diadema de Pilar de Zebraba.
Apunteu-vos, trobeu-vos amb els artistes i emporteu-vos els vostres premis!!
More activities at the 28th Edition of the Drap-Art Festival
5 de December de 2024
The 28th edition of the Drap-Art festival continues to shine thanks to your energy and support! This week we enjoyed an intense and varied program, with activities for all tastes: a market full of unique creations, inspiring guided tours and the magical inauguration of the Progetto Luminis. The festival does not stop here! It continues […]
We continue with the 28th International Sustainable Art Festival
29 de November de 2024
The 28th edition of the Drap-Art festival is being a resounding success. This first week has been marked by inaugurations, activities and concerts that have counted on your presence and support. The festival continues with a program full of innovative proposals and committed to sustainability. Don’t miss the next events and stay tuned to the […]
Snapshots from the opening of the Drap Art Festival ’24
26 de November de 2024
We share with you some snapshots of the Inauguration of the Drap Art ’24 Festival, with the performances of Maria Salouvardou “Dead Land” and the company Twisted Fairground “Basuringo”. We made a route through the Espai del Borsí in Ciutat street, the Base Elements gallery to see the work of Bordalo II, the Sala Perill […]